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Yoga Nidra to Cultivate Inner Fortitude (Zoom)

This class will be offered via Zoom on Friday mornings 8:00am-8:30am PST, a couple times a month. This series will be from Friday April 1st through Friday December 16, 2022. Sign up for each date you would like to attend.

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is the practice of lying on one’s back while allowing the consciousness to flow into a state of enlightened relaxation. We live in a time of constant busy-ness where creating a sense of peace and inner fortitude is last on the to-do list, yet should be a priority. You do not need any prior experience and it is perfect for anyone who’s struggled with quieting a monkey mind in meditation. All you need is somewhere quiet and comfortable to lie down. The benefits I, and many others, have received are: a deeper sense of peace, inner fortitude, better sleep, enhanced intuition, a sharper mind, and more energy. All are welcome, no prior experience needed. Come ready to rest.

March 19

Spring Ayurveda (in-person)

June 12

Ayurvedic Breakfast Cook-Along (zoom)